This website acts as a catalog. Everything here is available for wholesale at 50% of the retail price. For a PDF of the current catalog, email archie(at)archiespress.com. 

Our most mutually lucrative relationships are the result of our consignment program. Consignement allows you to carry many more styles with no risk! Email archie(at)archiespress.com for more information. 

Over the years we have learned a lot about merchandising these prints. Bins with dividers (like a record store) work best in conjuction with some display prints. People love to flip through the maps to discover something personal and special. 

We can send you a POS divider set, please inquire to Archie (archie@archiespress.com). See below display for an example. 

Please email us for a wholesale coupon code for the website and a list of our most popular prints (archie(at)archiespress.com), or shop on Faire

Archie's Press honors a 1-mile distance between stores. If you have any questions about this, please email Archie immediately and he can help you out archie@archiespress.com.
Archie's Press offers expanded territorial exclusivity with sales above $2000/month.

We use all the various wholesale platforms like Faire.