For awhile, Pork was being marketed as “The other white meat”. Gross. I don’t come to a pork chop for bland and tough piece of leather. Since then, pigs have been bred to have a more elegant and flavorful profile. Here are the most common cuts/varieties of pork and the ways they are best suited to home cooking.
I worked with my all-time favorite food writer Kemp Minifie on this map to isolate the most important cuts, their definitive qualities and special tips. Kemp was the food editor of Gourmet Magazine for years, and she really knew how to clarify the seemingly complex world behind the butcher case. This map will make you a well-rounded expert on choosing and preparing great beef dishes.
Pairs well with Beef, Fish, and Kitchen.
Information is more fun to read when it's beautiful. I've designed these charts and maps with hours of research, reassembling data into a brain-friendly aesthetic. I edit the information significantly, avoiding the "dazzle" effect which occurs when our eyes are battered with too much information. Letterpress makes it even more gorgeous.
Letterpress is a very complicated and expensive printing method that I am obsessed with. All letterpress prints are slammed with 600 pounds of pressure, creating a deep, tactile texture. The ink gets embedded into the thick soft paper so it won't fade within your lifetime. Read more about letterpress printing here.
Your local frame shop is going to do a better job than anyone else. There's a reason this craft endures and cannot be automated: It's skilled work that is best done face-to-face in physical space.
See more framing ideas here.
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