A letterpress print of a sign seen in the bathrooms at the Port Authority Building (now the offices of Google) in NYC. This is a semi-vague statement as most bathroom activities are not super-sanitary. Captured and redrawn by Alexander Barrett. Letterpress Printed, 6"x12".
Alexander Barrett is an artist, writer and freeform quilter living in Red Hook, Brooklyn. After over a decade working as an advertising creative, his conceptual process and wit find their way into every aspect of his work. And nowhere is that more clear than in this collection of prints. A simple staircase becomes a celebration of individuality, no matter how subtle. A potentially unsettling hallway emergency sign reading "Shelter" is recontextualized and thus redefined as an invitation to deep comfort and safety. Alexander's process of finding and reacting presents endless surprising discoveries. His work invites us to be continuously charmed by the world as we wander through it.